LD Body Benefits

The Body Benefits team works with LD:NorthEast to deliver a 10 week programme to those with a learning disability living in North Tyneside who want to learn about a healthy lifestyle.

Each weekly session lasts for two hours and is split into two sections:

  • The first hour is about nutrition where the group learns about things like fat, sugar, take aways and more.

  • The second hour is physical activity where a taster session is introduced, from boccia to cycling.

There’s a taste challenge too where new healthy foods can be sampled after the activity.

The full programme content has been developed in an easy read format.

LD Body Benefits is a free programme with eligibility criteria. You must be a resident of North Tyneside and have a BMI of 27.5 or above*.

To find out details of the next LD Body Benefits programme including the location, day, time, and start date; contact Active North Tyneside on 0191 643 7171 or by emailing active@northtyneside.gov.uk

*Residents with Black, Asian or Ethnic minority backgrounds can access with a BMI of 25 or above.