Screen time
Too much screen time?
Have you noticed any of the following which might suggest too much screen time?
Feeling grumpy or moody
Not able to sleep
Neck ache
Blurred vision
Constantly feel the need to be on a device
You have an important role to play in helping your child navigate their way when it comes to media and technology:
Together with your child set boundaries and expectations around screen time – for this to be positive make sure you keep talking about it - have set ‘rules’ and more importantly be consistent with them
Make sure you have opportunities for ‘screen free’ time where you spend time together as a family - you could introduce this as part of meal time, play time and/or bedtime routines
Introduce ‘screen free’ areas of the home where possible e.g. your child’s bedroom; this could help with improving sleep too
Display a visual routine in your home to show your family’s routine, e.g. tea time, bed time, screen time, family time so your child can clearly see where screen time comes into their day - this will highlight what is expected from them
Talk to your child about online safety, how to behave online and conversations around being respectful to others
How many hours a day do you spend on a screen?
How many hours of screen time a day do you think is healthy?
What could you do instead?
Have a chat with your child and come up with a list of activities they enjoy doing that do not involve a screen.
If you need some inspiration, here’s some suggestions:
Spend time as a family or with friends, talking to each other
Enjoy meal times with no technology rule – turn off the TV and put devices down
Help with chores around the house
Enjoy the outdoors – walk the dog, ride a bike, go to the park
Be active – finding something you and your child enjoy
Be creative – draw, paint, craft
Read or listen to music
As a family see if you can add some more ideas to the list!