Five benefits of drinking water and staying hydrated

Around 60% of your body is made up of water. To keep our bodies optimally hydrated it is recommended we drink eight glasses (with one glass equal to 237ml) of water a day.

But why is this important and how can it help you?

Maximise physical performance

Hydration is particularly important during intense exercise or when exercising in heat. Losing water when you’re active can lead to altered body temperature control and increased fatigue which makes exercise more difficult, physically and mentally. As little as a 2% drop in body water content can bring on such symptoms.

Increased energy levels and improved brain function

Your energy levels improve when oxygen delivery throughout the body is optimum. Blood is more than 90% water and carries oxygen to our muscles, brains and organs.

Your brain is strongly influenced by hydration levels. Low hydration can impair your mood and your ability to concentrate, as well as the frequency of headaches.

Better digestion

Your digestive system depends on water. The bowel needs water to work properly and dehydration can cause digestive problems, constipation and an overly acidic stomach; increasing your risk of heartburn and stomach ulcers.

Weight loss and boosts to skin health and beauty

Water can increase feelings of satiety (feeling full). Often when you think you are hungry a drink of water would suffice. Better hydration can also increase your metabolic rate and as a result increase the number of calories you burn on a daily basis.

Good hydration is also beneficial for your skin and reduces premature wrinkles.

Healthy joints

Cartilage, which is found in joints and the discs of your spine, contains around 80% water. Long term dehydration can reduce the shock absorbing ability of the joints and discs leading to pain.